The Second Greatest Threat

Not Second as in, "slightly less than the first", but second as in, "this is the order we are discussing these things.

The Second greatest threat to our purpose in life (to bear the Image of God to His glory) is shame.

In worship this weekend, we talked about the difference between ungodly guilt from others (shame) and the godly sorrow, which the Holy Spirit uses to lead us to repentance - then it is gone.  The shame we are talking about is the former.

Shame threatens us as Image Bearers because it can cause us to look to the standards, expectations, and approval of others which may or may not be Biblical.

When others shame us, and we believe their assessment more than God's, our ministry is threatened, because we can start to perform for the approval of others or for the objectives that others have for us, rather than for the stewardship of what He has entrusted to us personally.

When Shame comes upon us and we don't bring it to the throne of grace, it threatens our love for God.  It is not possible to carry the illegitimate shame from others and still have a proper view of God.  You can not believe others testimony of you and still believe God's testimony of you.  Your love for God will be hindered if you are striving to prove yourself to others AND yourself.

God tells us that others don't think like He does and don't have in mind the things that He does, no matter what they claim or how spiritual they are.  They still don't have a direct line to God regarding your account.  Only Christ is your personal intercessor.  Not even you know yourself as well as God does and He says, "You are mine."  That makes you invaluable.

Don't let illegitimate shame rob you of the fullness of life that God has for you.  He loves you.  Of course, you are not perfect, but He has given you instructions on how to humble yourself, repent and return to Him and pray for forgiveness (2 Chronicles 7:14; 1 John 1:9).  Then it's done.  Bear the Image as only you can!  God Bless.  You can listen to the sermon here:

With you for His glory,