What does Physical freedom in Christ look like. It may connote a thought regarding accepting how you feel about your physical appearance. Perhaps, it conjures a thought of being physically fit, freed from desire that form bad habits. Then again, it may cause you to consider experiencing freedom from literal and/or psychosomatic imprisonment to trauma that happened once or happens continually.
How can a physical freedom in Christ be experienced?
As with all the topics in this series, the key part of the answer is also in the question. The solution is in Christ. I, am by most accounts a very reformed and conservative theologian. Do I believe in the cessation of gifts? Yes and no. I believe the gifts given as signs of the authority and kingdom presence of God are no longer given for that reason and thus no longer exist with the magnitude they did back then. But that doesn't mean the gifts are not present in our world. That's silly. The Bible very often teaches that things are given or taken away, or happen a certain way for a specific reason. But it very rarely teaches an all-encompassing and binding generalism that opposing labels - such as "cessationism" and "Spirit-filled" - do today. Those are man's rationalizations made to answer questions that satisfy their agendas. We need to be careful. What is expected via my normal civilized cultural experience for me, is not normal experience for my brothers and sisters in Africa, Japan, China, or New Zealand.
But, does physical freedom in Christ necessitate literal physical healing by definition? Again, the Bible doesn't define anything like that. So what do we do with this idea if Jesus set us "free indeed" and the physical realm is "indeed" a part of our human experience under the authority of faith?
We need to again remember that the antithesis of Freedom in Christ is slavery to sin; i.e. the power of sin, fear, death. Freedom is freedom from sin. What are sin's holds on us physically? The answers are gluttony, lust, idolatry, fear and ego-centrism. Their may be other categories I have not considered, but it seems to me, most of the physical sin in the world that affects us or holds us, fall into one of these main categories. The problem is how we perceive where these sins are present because of an uncritical intellectual spirit - meaning we don't discern.
There are sins of gluttony. That doesn't mean everyone who is overweight is caught up in this sin though. There are sins of lust, this can be present in marriage as well as out of marriage. So the sin doesn't just belong to those who fulfill the desire outside of marriage. Anytime the selfish desire is not part of the fulfillment of the expression of Oneness God gave married people, it is sin. It is serving selfishness, not love.
There are sins of holding self or some part of self up as an idol of self-expression, but not everything that appears as such is. God knows the heart, we don't. Some of it IS obvious, but most often, it isn't. There may be sins of fear that affect a person so strongly, they cannot will themselves to leave abuse or co-dependent shame, but that doesn't mean that every situation that appears such is the sin of fear. There is sin of ego-centrism all around us everywhere. Much of it effects the physical body, but that doesn't mean that everyone who places great emphasis on personal health and fitness is ego-centric. There are many other examples to consider, but lets conclude this thought on what freedom in Christ means for the physical realm.
It means being set free from any sin of gluttony, lust, idolatry, fear or ego-centrism that keeps us from realizing holistic joy in life and serving others well in whatever we are given to steward (that may be moment by moment as well as career).
Pain may always exist for some. Handicaps may always exist. Bad people and bad things will always exist. Temptation will always exist. But God exists eternally. He always is and always has been, and our greatest foundation of faith is that He always will. No matter what "consequence" a courageous decision brings, Jesus Christ will be there fulfilling our deepest needs and transforming our deepest desires to reflect His. That is where freedom lies. Not in the scale; in the prerogative or ability to decorate or perform; not in absence or presence of a feeling or sensation; not in the circumstances, but out of the broken grasp of sin.
Where do you need to experience physical freedom? I don't know your predicament or circumstances, but I know sin is always involved in slavery. If you sense it and need to break free, seek Godly counsel on how to make the God-honoring, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered, Image Bearing (true dignity) courageous decision to do what needs to be done to REST in His freedom.
With you for His glory,