Christmas Attenders Missed, but Not Missed...

The Christmas Holiday is behind us for another year.  My Christmas season series has come and gone.  The music is already fading from the airwaves - many of which have nothing to do with the actual holiday anymore.  Decorations are still up where I live, but the blackened, slushy snow and the absence of music giving spirit to festive lights and greenery simply exaggerate the fact that the romance and merriment of Christmas is just about gone.

A neat thing happened at our church.  We didn't have any people join worship on Sunday, who only come at Christmas or Easter.

I know a lot of churches swell in attendance at Christmas and Easter.  Every once in a while, people will go to church to make someone else happy if they know church is important to them; or to earn their imaginary "righteousness points".   But then, their obvious infidelity to their Creator and offered Savior is made apparent by their true priorities, their excuses and their indifference the rest of the year.  We didn't have any of those people show up.  That caused Christmas morning worship to be absent of any false pretense, associations, and straight up fake worship!

I'm always glad when new people come.  We will always welcome people who visit, and we will never judge those who don't return - it may be our fault they don't.  We will continue to be evangelistic and inviting.  But I'm talking about real people who we all know exist, not the hundreds of possible unknowns.

The point is, we didn't have any new guests for Christmas worship.  It could have to do with he fact that we can't advertise where we are meeting right now, but it was an intimate morning of worship with friends and family who faithfully make it a point to be the Church together every single day of the week and who also happen to gather together on Sunday mornings to worship communally.

I hadn't thought of it before, but maybe we should want that for our church's a little more often than the subjective numbers goals we often  place on ministries.

With you for His glory,