Doctrinal Statement Part 7

The greatest testimony of the Holy Scriptures is the glory of God.  Our salvation is a loud unyielding declaration of the all surpassing goodness, faithfulness, and ultimately - the Glory of God.  If, I'm not careful, I can make it about me.

How smart I am to have figured it out.
How holy I am to have discovered the right denomination and theology.
How valuable I am to have been saved.

But it's not about me.  It's about God.
My statement concerning the nature of salvation is a testimony to the fact that God does everything.  Not everything... except my faithful response.  Not everything... except my repentance.


With you for His glory

6. Salvation 
I believe that salvation is a gift of God's grace 
through faith (which is also a gift, not of our own contemplation) 
in the Lord Jesus Christ alone whose precious blood was shed 
for the forgiveness of our sins; of God's initiation and 
administration in whole, without consideration of human effort. 
(Matthew 19:26; John 1:12; Romans 5:2; Ephesians 1:7, 2:8, 
1 John 1:9)