Imagine those words being spoken by the groom to his bride at his wedding. If he was going away to war or on a dangerous mission trip - perhaps, we might understand. But what about simply leaving for a year so that you could prepare for a life with the one you just legally married?
That is the backdrop of ancient Jewish wedding ceremonies against which Christ tells His disciples, "You are my Bride. I love you and I will be back for you." Now there is a lot more involved than just that. If you would like to hear more about just how profound this multi-layered, multi-year custom was for the Jews, please listen to our sermon from this last weekend's worship service. You can listen by clicking it here.
Here's the thing. Jesus did say that He was coming back. He is coming back to judge the Living and the Dead. Those covered by His blood, His morah payment for His Bride, will go to a literal wedding feast with Him. Everyone else who rejected Him and mocked His revealed grace and call to repentance will be tossed into the Lake of Fire.
Will you be at that wedding feast?
What makes you so sure? Because you believe that Jesus was real? Because you believe God exists? Because you spent your life doing good?
Jesus is away preparing for a reunion with us and protecting His bride from afar. He is awaiting His Fathers voice to tell Him to go and get His Bride. The Bride's job during that time is to be preparing for the return and consummation with her betrothed. Are you living a life that will evidence to the Lord when He returns that you were preparing yourself and the rest of the Bride for His return. Do you care to be with Him as much as He cares to be with you?
This isn't meant to be a guilt trip, it is meant to be a reminder that your Love of Loves is waiting, patiently, but eagerly, to be with you. He sealed the most difficult contract in the universe just to have you with Him when it is time. He paid the most incredible price imaginable just to see you again where He is. He waits and prepares a place for all of us who are His Bride to live forever with Him is perpetual perfection.
Is that in your periphery; or are you concerned more with the temporary life left between now and then? You have a daily choice of what to spend your time preparing for. Will you be the brides maids who were ready, or those who fell asleep and were caught off guard when He finally did come back?
What are you living for...really?
With you for His glory,